Sunday, May 18, 2008

Now exlcusive to Divine Digital

As of now I'm an exclusive designer for Divine Digital. I decided to stop selling at Bits 2 Kits, simply because I feel I cannot give enough time and attention to two sites at the same time. It's with mixed feelings, because the B2K team is really a friendly bunch and I had a lot of fun there. All my designs were already available at Divine and I will also contribute to the team mega kits from now on. Also, I'm starting two new monthly challenges in June: the Hybrid Challenge on the first of the month and the Words We Live By Challenge on 15th. These challenges are one more way of earning points for the Divine Rewards and who knows, there might be some extra prizes every now and then :)

The Hybrid Challenge will focus on a hybrid project every month with a description of the project, ideas, techniques you can apply and so on. This challenge will run for the whole month, to give you enough time to find your materials, make your project and still earn your point for the Divine Rewards.

Words We Live By gives you a little less time to earn your point, since it starts on the 15th of every month. Every month I will give you a single word to prompt your layout. It can be an emotion, something that describes your (or someone else's) personality, a state of mind, etc. You can use more words of course, for your title or journaling, but the word given for the challenge has to stand out from your layout in one way or another :)

I hope to see you around the forums!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Floralty at 50% off: TODAY ONLY

Especially for Bits 2 Kits' 1st anniversary you can get Floralty for 50% off. Only at Bits 2 Kits and TODAY ONLY, because every day this month there's another kit for a great bargain price! And don't forget the free quickpage you can get in the post below.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

New product: Floralty and a SALE!

I have a new product up in my boutique, a kit called Floralty.
I have been working on this for quite a while, with all the hassle around my kidney stone, but finally it's done. (And my kidney stone will soon be done with as well!) It's a mix of royal colors, floral patterns and cardboard. I hope you like it!

image is clickable

As you may or may not know, I have had a large kidney stone stuck in the wrong place since late February. I have had a drain on my kidney since then, that makes sure that I don't have kidney pain and to preserve my kidney function. But that thing has been really annoying! Now on Tuesday I will go to the hospital to FINALLY have the stone removed. My operation will also be on Tuesday and I will probably be in the hospital for a couple of days. So to celebrate the end of this 2,5 month struggle I will put Floralty on sale for the time that I'm in the hospital. So that will be from Tuesday untill whenever I come back home. If I'm REALLY lucky that could already be on Thursday, but it could also be Friday or Saturday, who knows... I will also be marking down my other products, so this will be your chance to catch a great deal! And untill then you can enjoy this freebie quickpage!